10 September 2007

Poetry Cookies

So, I am helping out in an English class in Katy's Co-op That Has No Name. My assignment? To fill the kids with a love of poetry. This week we will be discussing rhyming patterns. I baked these cookies to illustrate the rhyming patterns in Shel Silverstein's poem,"Bear In There" . I will ask the kids to pair up by their rhyme scheme, which is spelled out on the cookies. They are MASSIVE, by the way, since my icing handwriting is not great, I had to make them big to give me plenty of room to work with. (One of the words is "Fridgitydaire" I may need a whole cake for that one!)

**** Incidentally, if YOU are in the Co-Op That Has No Name and you are reading this blog, kindly act surprised on Wednesday when I hand out the cookies, mmmkay?

In other news, we are doing a Unit Study on Iron Jawed Angels. I highly recommend this movie! (especially if you have daughters.) I am writing a unit study to go with it. I will post it when I am closer to it being done. (I am on seven pages as of now, lots of vocabulary words and points of interest!)

And,...........I had a patient the other night who is 105 years old! We are researching what has happened in her lifetime.