12 September 2007

My Bench Knife is Missing

We are now on Day 17 of the Missing Bench Knife. I'm beginning to worry. We have been together since Kirk and I got married. I have made bread with this bench knife for almost 14 years. We have history.

If you don't know of which I speak, look here:


I have wanted to bake bread twice in the past week, but it feels bittersweet, ya know? I don't even have a picture of it. I can only offer a verbal description.

LOST: One shiny metal bench knife that holds memories of nearly fourteen years of marraige. A bench knife that has been in every home we have lived in, a bench knife that has served us well. A bench knife that likely has the flavor of every loaf of bread, batch of bagels and bits of soft pretzels rubbed right into it. Please come home. Reward offered, no questions asked.

And, the poetry cookies went over well, but I have to say, I was really upset with the finished product. I didn't even bother to take their pictures so ashamed was I. Kids didn't seem to mind though!

In other news, since the Geography Fair is coming up in November I packed the kids up and headed to Hobby Lobby to look for a stamp for the kids' passports. As we were at the checkout I grabbed a small bag of M&M's (don't judge me). Did I say M&M's? I meant broccoli. Anyway, I asked the clerk if they sold water. She told me that they didn't, but they did have a water fountain. Unfortunately, I didn't think I could take it home. I could just imagine her explaining THAT to her manager.

The Co-Op That Has No Name went well today. I am continually amazed at how the work at co-cop keeps blending in with what we are doing at home. Case in point? They talked today about Thomas Edison, which, if you will recall, is the book we are rowing currently. How cool is that?

I'm off to burn dinner.